Thursday, 24 October 2013

Women are innocent and impotent!

Two news reports (URLs of both at the end) in yesterday's Times of India (Delhi edition) drew my attention and I wondered the society we are giving ourselves and planning to frame in the future.

The first one is a report where a Delhi woman killed her 4 year old son, injured her 15 year old daughter and killed a woman from her neighbourhood. The reason was that this murderous woman had illicit relation with the husband of the victim woman from the neighbourhood for few years. The dead woman had got suspicious of her husband and the murderous woman. It is reported that the husband ultimately reconciled with his wife and distanced himself with the murderous woman.

But this sent the murderous woman in a fit of rage so self-occupied that she even decided to eliminate her own children just for the sake of carnal pleasures. Yes, it was mere carnal pleasure as I deeply reject that a person (man or woman) can find 'true love' at age of 40 after three children. The murderous woman was 40 and had three children (her second daughter aged 12 escaped the mad wrath of her own mother since the poor child was at school).

Now before we look at the second report, let's just see how can this woman be punished by Indian legal system. With my limited knowledge of the Indian legal system, I guess she can be booked under attempt to murder (her own daughter, who is currently in hospital) and murder of her own 4 year old son and murder of her neighbouring woman. I do not think that she can be booked under having illicit relations with a person outside her matrimony. Why?

Two reasons. One, section 497 of IPC unambiguously and shamelessly excuses the woman of the charge of adultery. It says “...the wife shall not be punishable as an abettor

The Indian legal system just does not punish a woman if she is found to be maintaining illicit relations outside her matrimony but has listed down the criteria for punishment for a man if he is found to be maintaining illicit relations with a woman outside matrimony. This also leads us to the second reason, which is that Indian legal system and the legislature is assinine.

Thus, the laws in India for protection of women are made with an assumption that all women are innocent. They just cannot do anyone any harm especially mental harm. Be it laws around domestic violence, 498a, or adultery it is the man who is at fault. Always.

Now, coming to the second report of the day, which as per me is somewhat hilarious. As per this report the National Commission of Women (NCW) is drafting a Bill of Rights. Before we look at the content it is to be noted that it does not specify whose rights. Since it does not specify whose rights, one can be led to believe that it is talking of Rights of all Indian citizens and if that be the case then why is NCW drafting it? Who is contributing in the draft on men's behalf, on behalf of kids, elderlies, handicapped and many other Indian citizens?

My half an hour search on the webiste of NCW did not throw up a single document that was called Bill of Rights but it had few other proposed bills and changes to existing bills. But going by the report, the next funny part is that there is a demand to make refusal of sex within marriage not a valid ground for seeking divorce. Now this is clearly an outcome of more than few judgements where wife's refusal for sex with the husband has facilitated the husband to seek divorce. The reasons I consider it funny is that while it is giving the wife a right to refuse sex, it is not talking of husband's right to refuse sex. This leads me to wonder if people who are drafting this think that the sex hormones exit only in men and women are impotent. It's only women who have “something” which they can refuse and husband shall be required to beg for it. It just reminds me of a quote on twitter by a woman which went something like this (addressed to womanfolk) “If your tears do not get you what you want depend on sex”. I took it as a joke then but I guess that lady was followed by some member(s) of NCW

At the same time I also find it pathetic and feel pity that such a draft is in a sense giving an impression that women indeed is a sex object. She has something which a man around her is after and she has a right to refuse it. Disgusting line of thinking this NCW carries with it, in fact.

My only suggestion to NCW will be on terms of reality. If they are indeed proposing such a stupid one sided right-of-refusal then also propose legality of prostitution else potential of sexual crimes could only see an increase.

Click HERE to see first report on the murderous wife; and

Click HERE to see the second report on NCW's nincompoop proposals

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